Lankelli Database Access Page

A Database for Elamite Month-Names - Developed by Basello Gian Pietro

(24/III/2003) Soon available Lankelli 2!

More comprehensive, new web access.

Your comments on this project are welcome. Let me know if these data are useful to you!
More about Elam in <>

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Web access

Select a group, then a month-name,
a spelling and a tablet

ID group abbreviation period area
1 Anšan TM ME Anšan
2 Elamite Persepolis EL ACH Persepolis
3 Ancient Persian OP ACH Persepolis
4 Susa SU OE Susa
5 Haft Tepe HT ME Susa
6 intercalary terms Int    
7 Babylonian BAB    
8 extra ?    

Search for a month-name

Insert a month-name
(* ? wildcards allowed)
Use sh instead of š.
[shs] searches for both š and s.

Look a tablet

Select a catalogue
Type catalogue number*
*Leave empty to list the content of catalogue


What is Lankelli?

Lankelli is a large database containing all the occurrences of month-name from Elam, both in Babylonian and in Elamite sources. The database links each month-name with its spellings and its occurrences in tablets and inscriptions. You can browse a group of months, look at the month-names in the group, then select a month-name and look at its spellings, then select a spelling and find all its occurrences. Finally, clicking on an occurrence, you can retrieve various kind of information about that tablet or inscription, eventually including occurrences of other month-names.


Database status

The current database includes all known (published) month-names from Elam, except those from Old Elamite Susa which are not completely stored. Links between spellings of the Old Persian month-names and their occurrences are still missing. Remember that the database entries record precisely the texts and the names as they are in the published sources according to their respective authors. Lankelli database has great expanding possibilities: it might be a complete linguistic database of Elamite language, where a single dictionary entry is linked to its spellings and to complete texts.

Lankelli was developed with Microsoft Access 97.
>> Tables, fields and relationships of the database

Web access status

Lankelli is now on the web. I'm still testing and expanding these pages developed with the Active Server Pages technology. There's a lot of work to do in order to improve present ASP code! However, the project is already well outlined.

Browsing the database on the internet is better than through the masks and reports which I previously develeloped in Access. Nevertheless you cannot do some powerful searches such as retrieving all the tablets which have two months without determinative in the 18th year of Darius.

If my project continues, I'd like to allow scholars to enlarge the database through these pages.
>> Website sketch

Special characters

To write special characters such as long vowels, I prepared a special True Type Font named "Basello". Data were coded according to an easy convention: for example a+ stands for long a and so on. Only when displayed (both in masks and in reports), a parser (a function in Visual Basic for Applications) converts special codes to the appropriate character of "Basello" font.

On web side, I haven't still got a solution. I could write a VBscript parser and use "Basello" font, but you should download and install this font to see these pages properly. Probably the best solution is the UNICODE coding of these ASP pages. At the moment, you have to be patient and look to the original data coding.

©2000 Copyright by Basello Gian Pietro <>
san Giovanni in Persiceto, 25/IX/2000