Catalogue Meyer 1973

abbr from to author year title series in volume inner place
Meyer 1973 0 0 Meyer, L. de 1973 Epart sukkalmah?   M.A.Beek / A.A. Kampman / C. Nijland / J. Ryckmans, Symbolae biblicae et mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Böhl dedicatae   pp. 293-294 Leiden
ID tablet dated king regnal year note to year category seals aramaic glossed form proper names geo names period place
1502 Meyer 1973 0 False           False       P III Susa

1 record(s)

san Giovanni in Persiceto, 7/X/2000; Napoli, 17/IX/2002; Napoli, 17.26/III/2003

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Created: 25/05/2004 18:24:02
Last modified: 25/05/2004 18:24:03
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Basello, Gian Pietro (2003) Lankelli 2. A Database for Month-Names in Elam, online database available at <>, last modified 23/06/2015 14:18:59, last visited 27/07/2024 16:06:02.